- Alle Publikationen sind verfügbar unter: -
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Psychology & Education
Euler, S.S. (2019). Psychological universals in the study of happiness: From social psychology to epicurean philosophy. Science, Religion and Culture, 6(1), 130-137.
Euler, S.S. (2017). Using the project method for teaching culture & intercultural competence. Die Unterrichtspraxis, 50(1), 67-78.
Euler, S.S. (2015). The age of neuroeducation. English Teaching Professional, 98, 4-6.
Euler, S.S. (2021). Lebenskunst als Grundlage einer humanen Bildung zwischen Lebenswelt und Wissenschaft. DISSERTATIONSSCHRFT. Online unter:
Euler, S.S. (2020). Replik zu den Kommentaren zu Bettina Bussmanns philosophiedidaktischem Dreieck. Information Philosophie, 4 (2020), 111-113.
Euler, S. S. (2020). Epikurs Lebenskunstphilosophie: Ein problemorientiertes Lernmodul. Zeitschrift der Didaktik der Philosophie und Ethik, 4 (2020), 50-61.
Euler, S.S. (2018b). Orientierungskompetenz und Lebensweltlichkeit: Integrationsmöglichkeiten der Bezugswissenschaften Philosophie und Psychologie im Ethikunterricht. In B. Bussmann, & M. Tiedemann (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch der Didaktik der Philosophie und Ethik, Band 19 (S. 117-138). Dresden: Thelem.
Euler, S.S. (2018a). Judith Butler’s critique of binary gender opposition in Gender Trouble: A task-based lesson sequence. In M. Eisenmann, & C. Ludwig (Hrsg.), Queer Beats: Gender and Literature in the EFL-Classroom (S. 439-459). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Euler, S.S. (2014). Epicurean philosophy of pleasure in Saint Thomas More’s Utopia. Society of Friends of Epicurus Journal, 7, 6-19.
Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching
Euler, S.S. (2015). Teaching with philosophy and psychology. Voices, 243, 14-15.
Euler, S.S. (2014d). Assessing instructional effects of proficiency-level EFL pronunciation teaching under a connected speech-based
approach. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 4 (4), 665-692.
Euler, S.S. (2014c). From communicative to task-based pronunciation teaching: Utilizing the power of rhythm and connected speech.
Speak Out! 51, 5-15.
Euler, S.S. (2014b). Approaches to pronunciation teaching: History and recent developments. In Szpyra-Kozłowska, J., Guz, E.,
Steinbrich, P., Święciński, R., (Eds.), Recent developments in applied phonetics (Studies in linguistics and methodology) (pp. 35-78).
Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.
Euler, S.S. (2014a). Implementing a connected speech-based approach to pronunciation teaching. In T. Pattison (Ed.), IATEFL 2013
Liverpool Conference Selections (pp. 104-106). Canterbury: IATEFL.
Unpublished writings
Click here for some unpublished papers, materials and poems on education and philosophy...
- Alle Publikationen sind verfügbar unter: -
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Psychology & Education
Euler, S.S. (2019). Psychological universals in the study of happiness: From social psychology to epicurean philosophy. Science, Religion and Culture, 6(1), 130-137.
Euler, S.S. (2017). Using the project method for teaching culture & intercultural competence. Die Unterrichtspraxis, 50(1), 67-78.
Euler, S.S. (2015). The age of neuroeducation. English Teaching Professional, 98, 4-6.
Euler, S.S. (2021). Lebenskunst als Grundlage einer humanen Bildung zwischen Lebenswelt und Wissenschaft. DISSERTATIONSSCHRFT. Online unter:
Euler, S.S. (2020). Replik zu den Kommentaren zu Bettina Bussmanns philosophiedidaktischem Dreieck. Information Philosophie, 4 (2020), 111-113.
Euler, S. S. (2020). Epikurs Lebenskunstphilosophie: Ein problemorientiertes Lernmodul. Zeitschrift der Didaktik der Philosophie und Ethik, 4 (2020), 50-61.
Euler, S.S. (2018b). Orientierungskompetenz und Lebensweltlichkeit: Integrationsmöglichkeiten der Bezugswissenschaften Philosophie und Psychologie im Ethikunterricht. In B. Bussmann, & M. Tiedemann (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch der Didaktik der Philosophie und Ethik, Band 19 (S. 117-138). Dresden: Thelem.
Euler, S.S. (2018a). Judith Butler’s critique of binary gender opposition in Gender Trouble: A task-based lesson sequence. In M. Eisenmann, & C. Ludwig (Hrsg.), Queer Beats: Gender and Literature in the EFL-Classroom (S. 439-459). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Euler, S.S. (2014). Epicurean philosophy of pleasure in Saint Thomas More’s Utopia. Society of Friends of Epicurus Journal, 7, 6-19.
Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching
Euler, S.S. (2015). Teaching with philosophy and psychology. Voices, 243, 14-15.
Euler, S.S. (2014d). Assessing instructional effects of proficiency-level EFL pronunciation teaching under a connected speech-based
approach. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 4 (4), 665-692.
Euler, S.S. (2014c). From communicative to task-based pronunciation teaching: Utilizing the power of rhythm and connected speech.
Speak Out! 51, 5-15.
Euler, S.S. (2014b). Approaches to pronunciation teaching: History and recent developments. In Szpyra-Kozłowska, J., Guz, E.,
Steinbrich, P., Święciński, R., (Eds.), Recent developments in applied phonetics (Studies in linguistics and methodology) (pp. 35-78).
Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.
Euler, S.S. (2014a). Implementing a connected speech-based approach to pronunciation teaching. In T. Pattison (Ed.), IATEFL 2013
Liverpool Conference Selections (pp. 104-106). Canterbury: IATEFL.
Unpublished writings
Click here for some unpublished papers, materials and poems on education and philosophy...