Professional profile
- PhD in Philosophy and Psychology on Humanistic Education, Philosophy as an Art of Living and Positive Psychology
- BA & MA degrees in Educational Psychology, Philosophy and English Linguistics
Specializations (1): Psychology of Motivation, Learning,
Personal Development, Positive Psychology - Specializations (2): Theories of Happiness, Hellenistic Ethics,
Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Language - Specializations (3): TESOL, SLA, Phonology/Prosody,
Intercultural Communication
- Advanced teaching qualification ("2. Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Gymnasien für Englisch & Philosophie/Ethik")
- Psychotherapist ("Zulassung zur Ausübung der Heilkunde beschränkt auf das Gebiet der Psychotherapie")
- Coach ("Trainer für soziale Kompetenz")
- Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults ("CELTA")
- Certificate in Teaching German as a Second Language ("Zusatzzertifikat DaF")